Abundance Circles
8-Session Groups
Your Journey to a lifetime of Abundance begins here
Is there something you've been longing for that has been elusive for years?
Do you feel held back from having the kind of abundance you desire, whether in love, well-being or financial abundance?
Are you feeling blocked around receiving and deserving?

The dreams you have inside of you are there for a reason and long to be expressed.
You are worthy of receiving what your soul has been yearning for
and the Seven ancient and modern Attraction Tools of the Abundance Circle will help you get there.
These Abundance Circle groups are designed for individuals looking to cultivate abundance in their life - whether in love, finance, creativity or well-being. Whatever it means to you!
Each round meets for 8 sessions once a week for 90 minutes on Zoom with the same group. Participants tend to grow close and often stay in touch long after their sessions end.

In Catherine’s Abundance Circle, I realized that I don’t always have to ‘go it alone’. Before I came to the circle, I wasn't struggling with any one thing, but after many years of being by myself, I was feeling called to find a partner to share my life with. I decided that this was what I wanted to attract when I joined Catherine's circle. Five weeks into our circle, I met my life partner, who I am now married to! I can't thank Catherine enough for sharing her tools to help me call in what I was desiring in my life.
The Abundance Circle Groups Focus On:
Getting crystal clear on your point of desire.
Mapping out the inner and outer work to get it done.
Learning to be a better receiver.
Uncovering -and healing- the unconscious blocks to having what it is you want to manifest.
Learning how to watch your Self-talk. Your mind is always eavesdropping on what you say to and about yourself.
How to come from Love instead of Fear.

Sharing your dream and vision out loud is different than writing it privately alone in your journal at home.
Speaking it out loud makes it real in the world. You become accountable for it.
You have others supporting your vision. Your small group community will keep your momentum going.
Here’s what you can expect:
Seven ancient and modern tools for cultivating abundance introduced and explained each session, with time for group discussion to gain greater clarity.
An in-depth look at Shadow material which is most likely blocking you from receiving what you desire.
Group support as we mine your dark caves in order to reach your shining peaks.
Easy, enjoyable assignments after each session to integrate each tool for greater clarity and create the habit of using them. Habitually using the seven tools is how shifts happen.
The When & Where:
new Abundance Circle groups begin in 2025.
Please find the one that fits your schedule best!
If interested in joining an Abundance Circle but the posted times do not work for you, please reach out.
Let's talk!
Sunday, February 9- March 30, 11:00am - 12:30pm PST
Tuesday, February 11 - April 1, 5:00 -6:30PM PST
Wednesday, February 12 - April 9, 5:00 - 6:30pm PST
Thursday, March 6 - April 24, 5:00 - 6:30PM PST
Sunday, April 20 - June 8 11:00am - 12:30pm PST
All groups meet on Zoom for eight weekly meetings.